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主演: 卢洪哲  Defconn  金泰元  金光奎  徐仁国  李成宰  安七炫  梁耀燮  滑川康男  金永健  李太坤  金烔完  黄致列  
类型: 日韩综艺
导演: 李智善  
地区: 韩国
年份: 2013
介绍: ? 男人在当今这个社会并非总是英雄式的家庭带头人,“我独自生活”这部引人关注的真人秀电视综艺剧,灵感来源于韩国MBC电视台2013年新年播出的特辑《男人的独居时代》,将电视机前改变为一场激动而真诚的戏剧。 受到日韩众多名星的捧场,包括国民宝贝卢洪哲、Defconn,金光奎,金泰元,徐仁国,李成宰,安七炫、梁耀燮、滑川康男、金永健、李太坤、金烔完和黄致列等参与其中。这部以独立自主闪耀光芒的真人秀,将男性的一些孤独和难以启齿之处一一道盡,引领大家去体会孤寂时代中男士们有多么患得患者又舍不得的心情。 这部作品透过明星背后内心独守的故事让人勾勒出一个不同於理想中勇士家庭的特别形态。在剧中人物所经历的生活忠诚写照如今独处时代里对当前男性社会面上有多么大影响力。在今天这样一个低成本生存时代中,独立于关心或焦虑中去寻找生命价值又有多少尝试? 如此集逗趣、畸情义愤于一体的真人秀《我独自生活》于2013年3月22日正式首播!今天你要么追随风尘且回归理想中的童话般生活;要么便是在对传统不断思考迭出中去寻找最真实而前行。 // The men of today's society are not always the heroic head of the family. “I live alone”, a highly acclaimed reality variety show, was inspired by the year-end Special "Man's Solo Age" broadcasted on MBC in 2013, transforming the TV into a thrilling and sincere drama. Attended by many celebrities from Korea and Japan, including the National Treasure Lu Hongzhe, Defconn, Kim Kwang-gyu, Kim Tae-woo, Suh In-gu, Lee Seung-Jae, An Chilhwan, Yang Yeo Hyeob, Lee Taekon, Kim Hyun-wan and Huang Zi Liang etc., this variety show which shines a new light of independence and self-reliance is dedicating to expose all sort of loneliness with which men have difficulty expressing. Through the stories which are narrated from the inner self of famous stars, it creates an extraordinary form different from the ideal heroic family. It depicts how living solo has an immense impact on contemporary male society. How much effort have been made to seek life values regardless of cares or anxieties amidst this low-cost era? Whimsical yet sentimental variety show “I Live Alone” officially aired on March 22nd 2013! Today you can either follow the wind and dust to return to an utopian fairytale life; or step out for something real constantly questioning traditional norms and values.


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